3HK 寬頻/5G優惠: Galaxy S23半價優惠!

3HK 寬頻/5G
大家睇咗MC首新歌MV未?!原來有啲片段係用Galaxy S23 Ultra嘅專業影片模式同黑夜亮攝功能拍攝㗎睇完係咪想買返部影靚相同拍靚片呢?而家搵我哋出SIM*,就可以用半價出Galaxy S23系列任何一部新機,買Galaxy S23

大家睇咗MC首新歌MV未🤩?!原來有啲片段係用Galaxy S23 Ultra嘅專業影片模式同黑夜亮攝功能拍攝㗎😱睇完係咪想買返部影靚相同拍靚片呢?而家搵我哋出SIM*,就可以用半價出Galaxy S23系列任何一部新機💜,買Galaxy S23 Ultra都係5千幾,仲送高達$2,510原廠配件同禮遇🎁,以及1年內地副號*! 😎 WhatsApp搶購快線:按此
#3HK #5G #Samsung #GalaxyS23 #半價出機 #送內地副號

#GalaxyS23 系列窺探 MC 內心世界,一同墮進這愛情 #花海
唔知大家睇咗 MC 張天賦 最新推出嘅《花海》MV 未呢?唔講你唔知,原來入面有啲片段,係由導演 GIGI 張蔓姿 用 GalaxyS23 Ultra 嘅 #專業影片 模式拍攝㗎! 想睇下 Gigi 點樣運用 Galaxy S23 Ultra 嘅 #黑夜亮攝 功能,捕捉 MC 最迷人嘅一面,又有啲咩絕密片段同 angle,喺 MV 從未曝光?即刻睇《花海》MV 拍攝嘅幕後花絮啦! Tap into MC’s inner world with the #GalaxyS23 series and fall into this romantic #FloralSea together.
Have you seen MC latest “Floral Sea” MV yet? You won’t believe it, but some of the footage was actually filmed with the professional video mode of the Galaxy S23 Ultra by the director Gigi! Want to see how Gigi capture MC’s most captivating moments with #Nightography of the Galaxy S23 Ultra and get a glimpse of some secret footage and angles that have never been seen in the MV? Check out the behind-the-scenes video of the “Floral Sea” MV now! #EpicNow #Samsung #GalaxyS23 Series
